Quality Healthcare Partners is a proud contributor to The PPE 2 PHL. Healthcare professionals are going to work and risking their lives so we can stay safe and healthy. Many places are already reusing PPE or limiting to one per worker per shift. We want to avoid putting our doctors, nurses, techs, physician assistants, and all other hospital workers at more risk by forcing them to use less than ideal protective equipment. These are our faculty and mentors who we’ve learned from or worked with in the past, our family members and parents, our friends and graduated classmates. We are passionate about giving back to the healthcare institutions that have given so much to us and the community, and we hope you will join us in our endeavor. So please, let’s unite and do our part.

Our mission: to support our local hospitals, urgent cares, emergency rooms, testing sites, clinics, and healthcare offices
Our goal: to unite the efforts of local businesses and generous sponsors, such as F&L, to provide healthcare institutions with much needed PPE
Our efforts: collect PPE in the form of gloves, goggles, gowns, and face masks, etc. directly from any local businesses or persons who may have storage they are not using.

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